Album Review: Trench by Twenty One Pilots

Last Friday, alternative rock superstars Twenty One Pilots released their fifth album entitled "Trench". The overwhelming success of the latest record, 2015's "Blurryface" is a tough project to try and top. "Trench" goes into a different direction than necessarily expected. The album is a little darker, and has a touch more of a slow vibe. The genre-bending effect of Twenty One Pilots' music is at full force on "Trench"- touching on rock, alternative, hip hop, and rap. This truly is an artist that have drawn a well deserved large amount of attention- and as they start a sold out arena tour- GMAT took a listen to the new album.
We asked some of our staff to reflect on the record and choose and explain a favorite track of theirs;
Livie: Chlorine- It's a big bop! Reminds me a lot of Regional at Best because of its upbeat vibes and intelligent lyrics that really provide a personal dialogue on coping.
Alex: Neon Gravestones- I chose this song because at the end of the song Tyler says "Find your grandparents or someone of age. Pay some respects for the path that they paved. To life, they were dedicated Now, that should be celebrated". It makes me think, wow that is true because everyone takes what they have for granted. I took both of my grandparents on my dad's side for granted. I lived with them and I thought that they would live forever. Turns out, that's not true and good people die young instead.
Ashley: Chlorine- It has incredible lyrics, unique introduction, is simple yet incredibly complex with layers of strings under tyler’s raw vocals.
Katania: My Blood- Despite the fact that your local alternative radio station has been blaring this song on repeat for the last few weeks, it's STILL my favorite. WHYYYYY? It's got this disco/pop upbeat tempo that makes you want to move your feet (oh yeah, you know you're dancing in your car when you hear this) I don't care if you are a loyal fan from day 1 or a new fan of Twenty One Pilots, you can't deny that this song is a freaking banger. It's so damn catchy and every time I hear it, I'm in a better mood instantly. No denying it either, the album as a whole is a solid 10/10 for me!
Kiera: Morph- Reading the lyrics, it appears to be a song that wonders about what comes after death. Is there an afterlife? Is he singing about reincarnation? Maybe it's the way the words are sung, or just how the chorus is written, but I can also relate to this song because it makes me think about my own battles with anxiety. I can pretend to be fine on the outside, "morphing" into somebody else, while being riddled with panic and racing thoughts on the inside. As he says, it's a defense mechanism, and it helps me to run away from the tormentors (my thoughts) while outsiders stay oblivious to what is going on inside. I appreciate the potential for multiple meanings, and the fact that I can connect well with this track.
Maria: Levitate- There is a clear rap influence in this song. This song is so identifiable as why the duo are so unique and beloved. This song is an introduction to the idea of the album as Tyler Joseph literally says "Welcome to Trench." This song has a clear and almost addictive flow. There is alt rock influence with just the right amount of darkness. Amazing and will be on repeat for awhile.
Check out "Trench"!