A Look Into Karalyn Hope: A Playlist

Today is the first day of many more playlists here on the Give Me A Try website. I recently came up with this idea to not only learn about our staff members listening habits but to suggest new music to our viewers. This playlist titled “A Look Into Karalyn” is honestly the best representation of me, Karalyn Hope. I’ve not only featured songs written by my dear friends but from bands and artists I’ve been constantly inspired by. If you ever wake up one day and think, “what is Karalyn listening to?” it’s probably one of these artists. These songs and musicians mean something to me. I hope you can find meaning in them too.
Oh, and the photo of the girl crowd surfing? I took last year at a punk show. It’s one of my all time favorite pictures. I think it goes along with this playlist perfectly.
Listen to the playlist on Spotify while you read along!
“The Bottom Line” by Misgiver
“No Complaints No Conversations” by Watsky
“You” by OCNS
“Spiritual Warfare” by Selective Aggression
“Sunshine” by Goalkeeper
“Loser Punk” by Jigsaw Youth
“Life In Pink” by Kate Nash
Featured song: “Loud Mouth” by tiLLie

I’ve been listening to tiLLie for about two years now. So, TiLLie holds a very special place in my heart. Between covering songs like “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” and releasing original songs like “Pink + Blue,” she’s taking over the alternative pop world. If you missed it, her song “Loud Mouth” just came out. Along with releasing this song, she announced her new EP, titled Loud Mouth, dropping on March 8th. Keep your eyes and ears open. You do not want to miss this EP.
“Muriel” by Hometown Loses
“26” by Paramore
“Addicted” by Marina City
“21st Century Liability” by YUNGBLUD
“Scherbatsky” by Floor Space
“Rude Awakening” by Sharptooth
“We’ve Got The Time” by New Direction
“21 Days” by Young Culture
“Follow Your Nightmares” by Keep Flying
check back every week for a new playlist by a member of the GMAT Staff, as well as our weekly staff curated playlist!