Album Review: Nina Nesbitt

Nina Nesbitt’s album, “The Sun Will Come Up, The Seasons Will Change”, is an experience to be had, to say the least. Starting off with, “Sacred”, the listener is immediately informed that this will be an album about relationships and the desire for something worthwhile.
The first half of her album is quite upbeat and electronic-inspired, with layered vocals and synth that work beautifully together and hypnotize the listener. The pattern of her lyrics almost feels like she’s in conversation with the listener, which makes for an engaging and encompassing experience. She comes from a deeply personal place, as her lyrics discuss her childhood and teenage experiences and how these memories have affected her life and her choices thus far. This juxtaposition of upbeat music against angst-filled, painful lyrics makes for an interesting pairing. This pattern lasts for about half the album before her music style changes drastically, tapering off and slowing down into more acoustic, ballad-inspired songs that contain the same heartbreaking lyrical messages. This morphing of tempo and musical style speaks to her roots in folk music but displays her progression into pop-electronic inspired music throughout her years of involvement within the music industry.
Her album makes for a poignant journey for the listener, telling of powerful messages about perseverance and determination throughout any and all of life’s ups and downs. As her song, “The Sun Will Come Up, The Seasons Will Change” says, each day is made new - she can always rely on the consistency of nature when all other aspects of her life may be uncertain.