GMAT Staff Playlist: "What Risa's Listening To: March 2019"

Longtime GMAT photography and interview contributor Risa Tapanes complied her current favorites into a playlist! Some new tunes from her favorite hometown band, And The Kids, and from SWMRS new release Berkley’s On Fire, as well as tunes she heard at shows she recently covered for GMAT.
Listen along with our Spotify playlist here, or click the song title to listen on Youtube!
“2003” - And The Kids
“Lose Lose Lose” - SWMRS
“Come For Me” - Sunflower Bean
“Disconnect” - Basement
Featured: “Full Circle” - Movements

"So...I’ve been missing out on Movements for quite some time. I’ve heard of them for so long now, since they were on Warped Tour in both 2017 and 2018, but I admittedly only listened to their hit “Daylily”. At the beginning of 2019, I revisited the entirety of Movement’s album Feel Something and have been attached ever since. Pat Miranda’s vocals in “Full Circle” particularly strike me - the versatility and contrast of his soothing singing during the verses, harder sounds of the chorus, and the spoken word-like bridge makes this song stand out on the album."
“Lonely Times” - Hot Flash Heat Wave
“Intrepid” - Pinegrove
“Driving” - Donna Missal
“The Fall” - Half Alive
“1980s Horror Film II” - Wallows