Get To Know Fleurt's "Favorite Emotion"

Do you like 80’s music? Do you relate to the crushing feeling of existential dread? If you answered yes to one of those questions then upcoming artist Fleurt’s new single, ‘Favorite Emotion’ is the song for you! With a sound that makes you want to stand up and dance but lyrics that are quite soul crushing, this song is the perfect yin-yang of buoyant pop and dismal storytelling. With a blend of emotions that are masterfully mixed, ‘Favorite Emotion’ is a song that you won’t be able to forget.
Singer/songwriter Alessandra is embarking on a quite literal musical journey that is so unique it’s caught the attention of huge publications such as Ear Milk, Euphoria Zine, and the Opal Club. She is using her recent success of the single ‘Talk Me Down’ to travel the world to give her viewers a unique music video experience with the release of every new single. That’s right, Fleurt is giving her viewers a world tour via music video! Her latest release ‘Favorite Emotion’ documents her recent travels through London, and to accompany the lyrics that are full of nostalgic longing, the video is filmed like an old home video. The video is so personal and very inclusive into the her everyday life, that it feels as if you have a personal connection. The video is perfectly matched with the song and completes the aesthetic that Fleurt is trying to convey.
The music video is not the only good thing about ‘Favorite Emotion’, for the sonic impression is almost masterful. The beat that sets the tone of the song is the perfect modernized 80’s sound, and it’s paired with soaring harmony’s that impart the feelings she is so passionately singing about. This is all masterfully mixed so there is not too much of one or the other, nothing is overshadowed in this song. ‘Favorite Emotion’ is balanced in every sense of the word allowing the song as a whole to shine through, not just specific parts.
Although Fleurt is new to the music scene, she is showing she is more than just an up and coming artist. She’s here and she’s ready to takeover the charts no matter what critics throw at her. ‘Favorite Emotion’ is a song you don’t want to miss out on, so make sure to listen on any streaming service and watch the music video as many times as you can. Fleurt is a young star who’s success can only go up from here, and we have no doubt we will be hearing a lot from her in 2019.