The Burkharts Release New EP 'Lazy Dazing'
Just when I was looking for a perfect, summer-vibes record, it fell into my lap. Buffalo, NY based indie-rockers The Burkharts released their first EP titled Lazy Dazing in late May of this year. Mellow guitars, synthy keys, and groovy beats makes this EP perfect for road trips, bike rides, and beach retreats.

If you love The Walters, Inner Wave, or Hot Flash Heat Wave, there’s no doubt you’ll enjoy this EP. Trevor Hodge, the band’s guitarist and vocalist, describes the EP as “bittersweet”, “sunny”, and “breezy”. With their influences stemming from classic acts like The Beach Boys, and modern groups, like Tame Impala, The Burkharts’ music combines both old and new styles alike.
Speaking on their Buffalo roots and it’s heavier music scene, Trevor Hodge says The Burkharts “try to be the soft goofy boys to lighten it up whenever we can; we never take ourselves too seriously.”
Coincidentally, both Trevor and I agree on the one song off the EP you have to listen to: “Flower City Nights”. This groovy track is up-beat and danceable, while maintaining the dream-like feeling the rest of the EP gives listeners. “It’s pretty catchy, has some big Beach Boy harmonies, and it gets a little waltzy at the bridge, if you like dancing,” Hodge shares.

Photo and Album Art by Ashley Romance Photography