An Interview With LA Pop Artist Tauri
Tauri, an experimental pop/R&B artist based in Los Angeles, uses a combination of rich electronic textures and catchy, rhythmic melodies in her songs. She shared with me that she, "aims to create music that captivates audiences and rejects convention without sacrificing accessibility." Keep reading to learn about her three newest singles along with her plans and goals for the future!

GMAT: You described your music as experimental pop. Out of all of the pop subgenres, what made you want to create experimental pop music?
T: Creating experimental pop wasn’t something we set out to do originally. We just wanted to create something that was fun and unique. People started referring to it as experimental and we just kinda went with it.
GMAT: “Time 2 Kill” is a super song! What is the inspiration behind it?
T: Thank you! A lot of the lyrics were inspired by my inability to deal with incompetence and some folks inability to work hard for the things they want. The song was meant to have some attitude, but it’s still pretty tongue-in-cheek.
GMAT: You’ve released three songs this year. Overall, what do these three songs mean to you? Do you have a favorite?
T: I think my favorite so far has been "Time 2 Kill"! It’s the one we really let ourselves have fun with. All of them have completely different meanings, there’s not really a through thread between any of them.
Take a listen to "Time 2 Kill" here:
I wrote "Empty Promises" almost a year ago and I just wanted to write down what the beginning of a relationship felt like. I think when you’re falling for someone, without fully realizing it, you make a lot of promises, “I’ll love you forever," “One day we’ll do this together” “When we’re older, I’ll take you here," etc and the truth is no one really knows how things will pan out, but you’re so caught up in this whirl wind of romance that you promise these things anyway even if there’s a chance they don’t come true. It’s all so whimsical and doe-eyed and also terrifying and I really wanted to capture that feeling.
"Mess" was a fun one to write for me because it didn’t really start out with a concept. There was a Kurt Vonneget book next to me, I can’t even remember which one, and I picked it up and flipped to random pages and pulled words out that stood out for me and slowly pieced a story together. In the end, I think I sort of ended up writing about this toxic relationship that was falling apart, but still not being able to let it go. Although, if you find a different meaning in it than that works too.
GMAT: Is there more music coming soon? If so, what can we expect?
T: Yes! There is definitely more music coming soon. As of right now, I really like releasing singles so you can expect a lot more of those and of course curated artwork and visuals for each one.
GMAT: What do you hope to accomplish by the end of the year?
T: I just want to keep writing more songs and keep putting more music out there. Also, live shows. We’re in the process of figuring out our live show set up and hopefully we’ll be doing plenty of those soon!
GMAT: Is there anything else you would like to share with the GMAT readers?
T: I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to check out the music! It means so so much and I hope you’re excited for more!