OBB Talks All Things Tour Life

Atlanta based indie-pop band OBB is hitting the road this summer! Before they take off, we asked lead singer, Zach Oswald, about his touring essentials, secrets, and stories. Everything from what happens before they take the stage, their dream lineup, and the time the bus engine failed is dished below:
What are 3 must-haves on tour? Sure, you’ll need your instruments, phone, wallet...but what might fans not know?
“Access to a local gym. With traveling all the time it makes it tough to maintain my workout routine so a local gym is a must have to stay healthy. Seltzer water is another must have ALL THE TIME! The fridge on the bus is always filled with just seltzer water. [Also,] my Xbox makes those long drives seem not too terrible.”
What is your favorite city to play, or visit? Where are you excited to go to next? Do you have a dream venue or festival to play?
“We love playing in Seattle! Washington is such a beautiful state. Right now, we’re heading to an Atlanta show, our hometown. If I had to pick a dream place to play, it would be New Zealand because I love Lord of the Rings!”
What’s your dream tour lineup, including you guys of course! Whether you are opening for a band you admire, or want to have a big tour will all of your friends, let us know!
“I would love to go out on the road with Onerepublic. Imagine Dragons seem to be cool guys! And Lauv because I would be out in the crowd during his set, singing all his songs at the top of my lungs!”
Favorite song to perform on stage?
“For me, it would have to be “Mona Lisa”. It has a lot of technical vocal parts that I enjoy performing live.”
Could you tell us a funny tour story? Van/bus mishap, awkward stage moment. Something light-hearted that you look back on fondly.
“When it comes to mishaps or bloopers, we have an endless amount of stories, but my favorite one is this: For background, we enjoy showing off our redneck ingenuity. Being from Georgia, we have had plenty of redneck moments. We were driving to a show once and the fan to our bus engine went out, so we ratchet-strapped one of our merch bins to the side of the bus, cut a hole in it, and then ran an extension cord out the back window and down the side of the bus to keep the engine cool. It was a sight to behold! And it worked - it got us to the next show!”
Do you have any pre-show rituals? What do you do alone to get ready? What do you do as a band? Any fun group huddles or good luck charms?
“I have a hype playlist I like to listen to before the show. Also, being the lead singer, I have to do 30-45 minutes of vocal warm-ups. If you’ve seen “High School Musical”, that’s what it looks like!”
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