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A Chat With Gavin Haley

Singer and songwriter Gavin Haley just released his EP Long Game a few days ago. Featuring favorites like "Long Game" and "The Way I Am," the Long Game EP is here to teach listeners to be yourself and to not overthink. Continue reading to learn more about Gavin's new EP, his tour with Ashe (ending on 10.25 in Atlanta, GA), and what he hopes to accomplish in the new year!

Picture by Jace Lumley

GMAT: Introduce yourself to the GMAT readers!

GH: Hello!! I hope you having a good day. I’m Gavin. I like melodies and basketball.

GMAT: You just released a new single. Tell us about “Long Game,” the title track to your debut EP! What does this song mean to you?

GH: “Long Game” is my jam. It’s the first song I’ve put out where I feel the same about it as when I first wrote it. I think the message bleeds through and it feels good. I’m excited that it’s out in the world!

GMAT: Between the new single, "The Way I Am" and "Show Me,” what else can listeners expect from the EP?

GH: Honestly just more Gavin Haley. I think as more music comes out people will get a better idea of what I’m about. I love all types of music and I don’t really stick to one specific thing but it still feels like me. “Low Beams” is the opening track on my EP and one of my favorites. Vibe tune.

GMAT: What message(s) do you hope listeners take away from the Long Game EP?

GH: Be yourself. Tell stories. Don’t over think.

Stream Long Game here:

GMAT: You’re currently on tour with Ashe! How is the tour going?

GH: It’s a blast! So blessed to be supporting Ashe. She’s an amazing artist and such a cool human. I’m learning a lot.

GMAT: What have you taken away from this tour? Something new you’ve learned?

GH: Nothing feels better than playing shows. It’s where you get to connect with the fans and humans who relate to your words. I also got pretty d*mn good at finding good food in the middle of nowhere!

GMAT: After the tour ends later this month, what are your plans?

GH: Probably sleeping for 7 days straight, trying to and eat as much as I can. Then I’ll get back to LA and start writing the next record. I’m going to chill out most of December and see friends I haven’t been able to. November is kind of the final stretch of work for this year.

GMAT: If you had to set a New Year’s resolution for 2020 right now, what would it be?

GH: Haha d*mn. Um… keep focusing on me, loving what I do, and having fun. Loving what I do. 2019 was the first year I really started taking care of myself and because of that I feel like it’s made me able to be around for others better. I wanna write more music that reaches the masses and I wanna get better at guitar. Charlie Burg, the other support act on this tour, can SHRED. It’s really inspiring me to be an all around better musician and branch out some more.

GMAT: Is there anything else you would like to share?

GH: Focus on your breathing. Don’t take things too seriously. All we can do is react. Don’t be afraid to dream.


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