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Slipknot is back at it again stirring up headlines and causing a buzz with their recent release of "Pollution". Last year they unveiled their new masks, a new member, and then one of the best albums to be released last year, We Are Not Your Kind.

This time around, from the mind of Clown, they released this 20-minute short film not long after it was announced that Corey Taylor is working on a horror film. We'll touch upon that in just a moment. First, lets talk about this extremely trippy visually disturbing short film/music video.

It starts off with The End and ends with The Beginning and soon starts to show chapters. Slowly as each chapter progresses, music and sounds play as you begin to experience them unfold. You're met with different members of the group, trippy colors and sounds, insects, people marching with drums, faceless bodies, cocooned naked slimy people dancing, and so much more. The intensity of this well-thought out film can be both disturbing yet in some odd way, releasing. Half way through the film, sort of like an intermission, the band starts playing "Nero Forte" with their high intensity that we all love them for.

The reaction of fans and critics is a mixture of creepy, disturbing, and understanding. Now, it brings into discussion, what exactly is Clown's message?

Clown made a statement about this film saying, "I set out to make a short film that makes you question your own existence, here in this reality. When you lay down in your bed, next to the one you love, do you ever ask yourself - is it possible that this person could slit my throat while I’m sleeping? Enjoy. Pollution is everywhere."

Well, he most certainly did make many question their own existence. When we think of the word pollution, immediately your mind goes to a place of filth and death. It might just be possible that the stages or chapters of this short film have to do with the stage of grief. Not long ago, Clown experienced one of the hardest things a parent can go through after the loss of his child last year. Maybe, its also possible this is to show the different meanings of the word. Like any art piece, this one is complex and can be picked apart to mean anything and everything.

What is very evident is the state of mind many people go through. Many fans like Clown himself had said, agreed that pollution is everywhere including the mind. Through the visuals and intensity, many people who suffer silently can find something in this video that resonates with them once they get past the "what am I looking at" part. Moments of this video give way to struggle and pain. A multitude of conclusions can be made about this short film, but ones things for sure, trying to get inside the head of Clown will only dive you deeper into the true meaning behind this beautiful work of art.

The End is the beginning, The Beginning is the end.

Now back to Corey Taylor and his new horror film in the works. We all know how much Taylor loves his horror and his contributions to the industry Recently it was announced that he was working on a film where he is joining forces with FX master Tom Savini, some of you may remember him from movies such as From Dusk Till Dawn, Creepshow, Dawn of the Dead, and so much more. Savini is also a known name for Slipknot fans due to him being the genius behind Taylor's latest mask.

This film is still in the beginning stages of preproduction and not yet ready to release any more details aside from this collaboration and that the script is finished. I'm sure horror and Slipknot fans alike are excited about Taylor teasing his directorial film debut and I am sure it will be worth the wait.

Currently Slipknot is on tour in the UK so if these guys roll through your part of the world, make sure to snag a ticket to experience everything that they are. Don't forget to keep up to date with the band through the links below.

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