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The Medicine Tour in Tucson, AZ

'The Medicine' tour was not one to miss. On January 20th they made a stop in Tucson, Arizona. Fans filled the venue buzzing with energy, ready for a night of great music.

Getting the night started was California based rock band Point North. Towards the end of their set, Sleeping With Sirens' lead singer Kellin Quinn jumped on stage to do guest vocals on a song that he collaborated with them on called "Into The Dark". The crowd loved this. They closed out their set with their song "Gasoline" and that one was definitely a crowd favorite.

Next up was Belmont a pop-punk band from Chicago, Illinois. These boys had great energy and had everyone in the crowd on their feet jumping around. You could tell that they all enjoyed being there and the drummer, Brian Lada was a having a blast. Half way through their set, lead singer Taz Johnson called for a circle pit and the crowd immediately formed one, having fun moshing. Near the end Jimmy Snyder, Set It Off's merch guy hopped onstage to do some guest vocals. It was overall a very fun set. You should check out their song "Stay Up" which was released last month on the 13th.


Pop-punk band, Set It Off was up next. The crowd loved them, dancing and singing along to their songs. At one point during their set drummer, Maxx Danziger kicked back and put his feet on his drum set while lead singer, Cody Carson talked to the crowd.​ Carson had fun with the crowd, making them jump from left to right, crowd surfing, and going down to the barricade to sing with them. These boys definitely know how to put on a show and never disappoint. Check out their most recent release, "Catch Me If You Can".

Set It Off

Closing out the night was rock band, Sleeping With Sirens. These boys never fail to put on a great show. Back in September they released their ninth studio album How It Feels To Be Lost which was a lot heavier then anything that they had put out previously. Hearing some of these songs live showed you that they had finally found their sound and were heavily enjoying performing them. Lead singer, Kellin Quinn made a comment during their set about how he normally didn't opening his eyes while singing but he had that night and was going to start doing it more often because he enjoyed seeing the crowd. Halfway through their set Quinn and guitarist, Nick Martin performed a couple of acoustic songs but leading into them Martin was being aggressive which caused Quinn to tease him and make the crowd laugh. The boys were having a lot of fun, towards the end Quinn even jumped down into the crowd and moshed with fans. They ended the night with an encore, performing their song Kick Me which is a fan favorite. If you ever have the opportunity to see these boys live I would highly recommend it. Check out their song "Blood Lines" off of their most recent album How It Feels To Be Lost.

Sleeping With Sirens

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