MAKESHIFT Release 'What's Left of Me'

Long Island pop rock MAKESHIFT recently released their single "What's Left of Me" off their fourth record Remember The Feeling which was released on March 13th. This latest track is the perfect punk/alt-rock blend with chords progressions, hard hitting melodies, and strong vocals. The message behind this track deals with what it's like to look back on your life and compare it to the present day and realizing how much has changed around you.
"It’s about the times when life feels like it’s moving too fast and everything is changing," says vocalist Dan Burke. "This song was written to portray the cycle of life, the feeling when you look back on everything you've done, and wondering if you should stay on the path you're on. Some days you wake up and can't recognize the person you see in the mirror because of how much things have changed."
Throughout the video, they project a variety of clips of nature and family members. In essence, each clip represents the peace of mind we all strive for and the times where we lived without any cares in the world. Although the older we get, the more we move throughout our lives and how rewarding it can be at times, we all can't help but wonder what else is really out there. Thats what this song is supposed to represent.
Originally formed in 2012, this four piece band consists of Andrew Musalo, Dan Burke, Austin Barrow, and Ethan Kreidemaker and their talents sore throughout their latest single. They resurfaced in 2018 with their release of their sophomore EP Reflections gaining notoriety from The Noise, Substream Magazine, and Alternative Press.

"Pursuing a career in music is something that everyone tells you to give up on every minute of everyday, and oftentimes you find yourself looking back to your youth and wondering if you made the right decision," says Burke. "We tried to represent this at the end of the video by showing actual pictures of the band when we were younger while the song asks if this is right and expresses how unsure this passion leaves us at times."
Watch the music video for "What's Left of Me" here.
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