Court Order Filmed A Live In The Studio Set During Quarantine For Fans

Brooklyn, New York/New Jersey unsigned local hardcore/metalcore band Court Order is set to release their latest EP. But before then, they wanted to give their fans a taste of what their new sets would sound like with 3 new tracks to go along with some fan favorites.
Despite the ongoing pandemic that has swept across the world in a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has drastically changed our society and our everyday lives. People are out of work, supermarkets are out of toilet paper, people are told to remain indoors to quarantine, and most of all, artists alike are unable to share their art with the world in the same way they are used to. Concerts have been cancelled/postponed and due to this, many have decided to still give their fans what they are lacking. Many bands and artists have gone out of their way to continue to entertain the world through live streams and live recording, Court Order is one of those bands.
This live tapped set was filmed at Hellhound Studios in Rahway, New Jersey on the morning of Saturday March 21st. The man behind the camera is none other than a good friend of the band, Eduardo Ruiz, the vocalist of the local New Jersey metalcore band Refinement. Due to not feeling well, Oscar (bassist) was unable to make it to the studio to record the live tapping but he was certainly there in spirit.
In just a year, Court Order went from a local band that nobody had heard of to suddenly making a name for themselves within the scene. These guys truly deserve all the attention they have received within this time and it's evident that they'll be making bigger noise throughout 2020.

Photo Cred: Eduardo Ruiz
"March 2020 was a very challenging time for the band. We just finished recording an album the month before, wrapped up an incredible run of shows for the last ten months, lined up strong publishing support for the new record, and started promoting our biggest shows to date in anticipation. Suddenly news of COVID-19 started sweeping the media and before you knew it, half of our friends and family were unemployed.
Court Order is and always will be a working class band. We believe in hard work and setting goals to live the life we want to live. Many of us have been put in situations where we have not had control of the choices that were being made regarding our health and self interest. We have all been handed circumstances where we needed to stand up for ourselves, some for drastic, unimaginable measures and others for the very first time.
The world in which Court Order exists has suddenly vanished overnight. With our practice space closed and every show in the world cancelled, the band now remains a tangible item, its legacy left on hats and t-shirts, coming to life in film and audio cast all over the web and our social media, as we figure out how to operate in the current terrain.
We can only hope that somehow as a society we can come together again, and overcome this hardship and all the implications it’s going to have on how we engage with one another socially going forward.
Here’s the set we were going to play to kick off the new campaign. Recorded, mixed and mastered by our friend Eduardo Ruiz at Hellhound Studios and captured right before extensive lockdowns and groups of five or more were broken up. We hope we can share it with you all soon enough where it belongs; inside a tiny room with close friends, fans, and family, grabbing the mic, going wild.
Hit Harder."
CO ✖️

Photo Credit: Eduardo Ruiz
Watch Court Order - Live here. Filmed by Eduardo Ruiz.
"Given Enough"
"Poor Excuse" (New Song)
"Judge Me"
"Dragged Through"
"Legacy to Sell"
"Night Trash" (New Song)
"Future Machine" (New Song)

Photo Credit: Eduardo Ruiz
Make sure to keep up to date with Court Order through their social media links below. They'll be releasing their latest EP VERY soon so you won't want to miss out on it.
And please, wash your hands for 20 seconds and try to remain 6 feet from people if you need to leave your home. Stay safe everyone, this is a scary time but we will make it through.