Sharptooth Releases New Music Video For Single 'Evolution' Featuring Anti-Flag's Justin

Baltimore, MA hardcore band Sharptooth is back with another crushing and passionate music video for their latest single "Evolution" featuring guest vocalist Justin Sane from the punk rock band Anti-Flag. This is the latest music video released after "Say Nothing (In The Absence Content)" off their latest album Transitional Forms which was released on July 10th.
"I think the biggest problem in our country, the problem that all of our other issues stem from, is a lack of empathy," says Sharptooth's powerhouse vocalist Lauren Kashan to Revolver Magazine.
It's not unusual for Lauren Kashan to sing and scream about political and serious topics, in fact, if you're unfamiliar with Sharptooth, they release singles based on talking about heavy topics in their personal lives and what's going on in the world. This latest single arrives just in time when the world is turning on its head as the ongoing fight for Black Lives Matter and against the atrocities of our country as protests continue to sweep our cities.
Lyrics such as Justin Sane singing, "We can only overcome, when we recognize we are one" and Lauren screaming, "THINK OUTSIDE YOURSELF" couldn't ring more true.
"I wrote 'Evolution' in response to the apathy I was seeing every day in the world around me," Kashan continues. "Whether it had to do with global warming, racism, sexism, or poverty, I've witnessed a phenomenon that I can only call a 'not my problem' mentality — people being unwilling to look at their own behavior simply because something doesn't directly affect them."
"And now, in the days of COVID, and the (grossly overdue) worldwide conversations about systemic racism and police brutality, I think the message of this song is more important than ever. Yes, you should work to follow CDC guidelines, not only because you could get COVID, but mainly because someone else could catch it from you who's consequences might be far more dire. Yes, you should explain systemic racism to your white family, because they will be able to hear that message from you easier than they can hear it from someone who doesn't look like them, and just 'canceling' your racist uncle doesn't actually help black people, because they'll still have to deal with him even when you decided you don't want to. Yes, you should be examining your lifestyle and making changes so as to decrease your carbon footprint."
"There are so many day-to-day things we can be doing that extend beyond us as individuals and have global impact," Kashan concludes. "I truly believe that if everyone just made a daily, concerted effort to cultivate empathy, to 'think outside yourself' and put in the work to listen to and understand other people's experiences and evaluate their own personal impact, the world would be a much happier, healthier, more productive, and overall better place." - Lauren Kashan, to Revolver Magazine

To get a taste of what Sharptooth is like live, check out the video below. I had the pleasure of being one of many who were chosen to be at this performance and the energy in the room alone made the intimate experience THAT much better
It's evident that this band is passionate about the music they create and their live performances are unlike any other. It's no wonder this band has continued to grow a fan base over the course of the last handful of years. Bands like Sharptooth are completely underrated and deserve more attention for the messages they want the public to receive.

Sharptooth – Transitional Forms tracklisting
2. Mean Brain
3. Life on the Razor’s Edge
4. Hirudinea
5. The Gray
6. Evolution
7. 153
8. The Southern Strategy
9. M.P.B.D (Manic Pixie Bitch Dream)
10. Nevertheless (She Persisted)
Check out Sharptooth and purchase their latest album Transitional Forms.
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