Alvarez Kings Release Single 'Words I Couldn't Say'

South Yorkshire, UK alternative indie pop band Alvarez Kings released their single "Words I Couldn't Say". This single is a deeply personal experience that is also relatable as the vocalist takes you down a bumpy road of dealing with addiction and failed relationships. Although it sounds upbeat, the lyrics themselves tell a different story as the song progresses.
Vocalist Simon Thompson tells PopMatters, "The song came about when I was turning our spare room at home into our baby's nursery as the acoustics were awesome. I was writing songs off of the back of some pretty extensive touring over the years. There were definitely some issues with alcohol and substance abuse as a result, which impacted heavily on relationships. It's not necessarily an autobiography or about one person in particular. It's a story of an uncontrollable collision course of self-destruction from drug and alcohol abuse, the desolation of a failed relationship, and self-blame. 'Words I Couldn't Say' is the burden of the truth and a lie that is too heavy to carry."
An uncontrollable collision course of self-destruction from drug and alcohol abuse, the desolation of a failed relationship and self-blame. ‘Words I Couldn’t Say’ is the burden of the truth and a lie that is too heavy to carry.