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Alice Merton's Mint Review

Alice Merton has had more than two handfuls of addresses in her 25 years of life. She has always been moving; never stopping, and her life and musical journey have this motion in common. When Merton released “No Roots” in 2016, it propelled her music career in Europe, and she has finally made her landing in America. In between that time, Merton managed to found her own indie label and recording studio. The hustle does not stop.

Mint—Merton’s debut LP—released on January 18, is heavy with pop hooks and dance beats. This album is meant for those who feel a lot and feel deeply, but can lament no longer.

The beats are a façade, disguising the lyrics that are actually dripping with emotions—some painful. In “Homesick,” the 5th song on the album, Merton says she’s “never went on a field-trip / scared I'd lose my mother and father,’ encapsulating a very painful and anxiety-inducing fear.

Contrarily, in the album closer “Why So Serious”, a song about looking at the big picture, she says "I'm scared, yeah, scared as shit / but I wanna let go of it now.” The contrast accentuates how conflicting emotions can be, and also how they can coexist.

“Lash Out” could be the best song on the album with ease. The stomp-y, funk-y, rock-y, is all about not being able to control your anger and, well, lashing out. Many musicians, Merton included, write sad music with fun beats. They do not line up, and that shows versatility. Here, though, the building music in “Lash Out” accompanied by the lyrics about anger, frustration, and lack of control, tie what it means to feel angry together—with a little bow—perfectly.

Watch her interview with Jimmy Fallon here, and listen to Mint here!

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