An Interview with X. ARI
In today’s music scene, we are getting an increasing amount of artists who are using their music to speak out about often trivialized...

Lee Brown is “Not Gonna Buy Your Love”
From his home in the United Kingdom to the United States, we have our eyes on Los Angeles based artist, Lee Brown. He just released his...

Saint Spicer Talks Future Plans and Inspirations
Saint Spicer, an Austin, Texas based singer is making ground in the world of funk. Inspired by Nina Simone, Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga, Saint...

Makena Unleashes New Song “Roses”
2019 is the year of Los Angeles pop singer-songwriter Makena. Earlier this year she released two singles entitled “Fuqboi Worktape” and...

Emerging Pop Artist Makena Releases "Let You Go"
Earlier this year, I wrote highly of Makena’s single “Fuqboi Worktape.” She’s back today with a new single entitled, “Let You Go.” This...

LIILY On "Coming Out Of Left Field"
SXSW is a place where many musicians get their start, and while there are tons of promising acts that attended the fest this year, none...

Get To Know New Band Running On Empty
Providing an outlet to find new bands to listen to is Give Me A Try's primary mission and here we have a new artist with lots of energy...

Up-and-coming Bronx Rapper Grey Hillz
Grey Hillz released his first album titled Mirrors a Self-Talk Story, a 13-track reflection on his childhood, life struggles, and real...

Bronze Radio Return Debut Album Preview
Bronze Radio Return has recently dropped their 4-track EP, Check Two, and will be dropping their full-length album, Entertain You, on...

FIDLAR Almost Free Review
If you fell in love with the raw tenacity and uncompromising harshness of FIDLAR’s first two albums, Almost Free isn’t going to be what...