Get To Know New Band Running On Empty

Providing an outlet to find new bands to listen to is Give Me A Try's primary mission and here we have a new artist with lots of energy and style. We spoke with drummer Gavin Valladares of brand new project Running On Empty who on Friday released their very first single! Here we discussed the band's mission, influences, and formation!
GMAT: Where are you guys from?
GV: We are from Agoura Hills, California
GMAT: Where is that in California for the uninformed?
GV: Slightly North of LA
GMAT: What's the music scene like there?
GV: The scene here is crazy- there's a lot of bands and a lot of shows every weekend. In Ventura there's an awesome punk and metal scene, and in LA there's any kind of music you can think of. In the Agoura area there's every genre and they all play together.
GMAT: How did you all meet?
GV: I started an art collective with Katie (Kissler), who knew Anthony (Laurie) , and Anthony knew Hope (Wilburn). Hope knew Ethan who was our original guitarist, but he quit, so we replaced him with Ripley (Conklin).
GMAT: How has the chemistry formed?
GV: Just being friends and playing music, we love to perform and the energy just flows between us all.
GMAT: Who does what in the band?
GV: I play drums, Ripley plays rhythm guitar, Anthony plays lead guitar, Katie is the bassist, and Hope does vocals.
GMAT: So you just released your first single "Dirty Campaigns"- what is the song about to you?
GV: The song is about how messed up our current society is today. The system wants our generation to fit the mold and go serve tranquility at a desk job for the rest of our life. We also have a disdain for the current political situation of our nation in that we see evil on both sides of the spectrum. We're not completely sure what the right solution to the world's problems are but we aren't scared to look for one and move into the future with confidence.
GMAT: Do you take most of your inspiration from the world around you or your personal experiences?
GV: I would say a combo of both!
GMAT: Do you see this single being a standalone piece or is it a foreshadow of a project to come?
GV: We're going to release one more single and then an album! But that's a long way off.
GMAT: Do you plan on the album mirroring similar themes to this single?
GV: It will have some similar things but also a lot of diversity within genres.
GMAT: What genres do you personally pull influence from? Who are you listening to a lot right now?
GV: I listen to a lot of System of a Down, Clyde (my Dad's band), Aric Improta (yes, just him), and recently a decent amount of SWMRS. And Vulfpeck.
GMAT: Do the other members listen to similar things primarily?
GV: We all blend different tastes- Katie listens to classic rock-type stuff, Hope listens to groovy stuff like Ocean Alley and Cosmo Pyke. Anthony and Ripley listen to a lot of metal.
GMAT: What does the band's future hold or what would you like it to hold?
GV: We are going to work on releasing another single and then an album as well as playing as many shows as possible!
GMAT: Anything else you'd like to add?
GV: Any and every bit of support is much appreciated! :)
Check out Running On Empty's Spotify here and be sure to listen to the new single! Much thanks to Gavin for the interview!