Saint Spicer Talks Future Plans and Inspirations

Saint Spicer, an Austin, Texas based singer is making ground in the world of funk. Inspired by Nina Simone, Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga, Saint uses honest lyrics to portray reality. Earlier this year, she released a single entitled “On Repeat.” It’s a personal song for Saint focused on exploring toxic patterns in her relationships. Recently, I had the chance to chat with Saint and learn about her future plans, goals, inspirations, and strength to continue a career in music.
GMAT: For those who may not know, can you tell us about yourself? Who is Saint Spicer?
SS: Howdy, I’m Saint! I’m a singer and songwriter based in Austin, Texas. I’m bold, and sometimes brash. And that translates to my music. I have huge goals as an artist, and I believe in my craft enough to pursue it.
GMAT: How is living in Austin, Texas? How has your residence in multiple locations throughout your life inspired and/or changed your perspective on creating music?
SS: Living in so many places has given me fresh eyes. I see everything from a tourist perspective. This has actually translated into the way I see everything in my life. This world feels like a vacation to me, and when I’m on vacation, I pursue inspiration and adventure. I often look through the tourist list articles and try to do the things tourists do on the weekend. I am thankful for my city and find new adventures almost daily. My best music is born from that! I also fly often, and write most of my songs on a plane, or in the back of a car.

GMAT: Your most recent single “On Repeat” is stellar. I’m actually listening to it right now! What does it mean to you?
SS: That’s very sweet of ya! To me it’s the first step in a new direction. I’m learning about music on a professional level, investing in myself, and beginning to take my first musical steps. Musically, “On Repeat” also serves as a reminder to myself to continue investing energy in myself. Most people have experienced a one-sided relationship, where you are giving more than receiving, and feeling bitter about it. Some people actually end up giving away the love they should be giving to themselves. It’s all about balance, and this song reminds me of that.
GMAT: I noticed it has over 15k streams on Spotify! How has the success of “On Repeat” inspired you to keep pursuing music?
SS: Yes! And growing every day. It helps keep me focused. Life is like a dark tunnel. And seeing a metric like that does light up a path forward for me. My hope is that I can continue to grow musically and eventually grow to the point where I can push the boundaries of the art form.
Watch the official music video to “On Repeat” here:
GMAT: Do you have advice for other artists looking to start a career in music?
SS: Here’s what advice I got when I started. First, promote your music. Some people just release stuff and expect it to go viral. I’ve learned that you have to work to promote it. Hard. The second thing I’ve learned is that it’s called a “career” for a reason. Taking it just as seriously as a corporate job is important. Clock in and out if you have to. Give yourself performance reviews. Ask others to review your performance. And most of all, set some damn goals! Define what success looks like for you. Is it a record deal? Is it touring? Is it making x dollars per year? Just taking yourself seriously and thinking through those questions will set you up better than 90% of
GMAT: I read on your site that you are beginning to work on an album entitled Space Cowgirl! How is it coming along?
SS: It’s coming, but slowly, because I’m also working on an EP, tentatively called Welcome to the Space Ranch (I know) as an intro. I’m having a blast, but I have big plans for Space Cowgirl and want to make sure I allocate significant resources so it’s done right.
GMAT: What can we expect from Space Cowgirl?
SS: Jazz, funk, blues, and country with a modern ass twist! Whew. It’s already so fun. You haven’t heard music like this in decades.
GMAT: Besides working on Space Cowgirl, what are your plans for the rest of 2019? Anything exciting?
SS: Aside from the EP release, I’m starting to put together more live shows. Performing is my strong point, so I’m thrilled to hit the stage again. I am also interested in looking for a label, booking agent, manager, etc...building out my team so I can grow exponentially into 2020, which will be a good year for me.
GMAT: Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
SS: I am really thankful for the opportunity to share my work! If you’re an artist and interested in seeing my process, or just someone interested in my journey, visit my blog at or follow me on all platforms as @saintsaidso. Thank y’all!
Keep in touch with Saint Spicer!