An Interview with X. ARI

In today’s music scene, we are getting an increasing amount of artists who are using their music to speak out about often trivialized subjects that used to be pushed under the rug and ignored. One of those artists who is using their platform and music to call attention to these things is new pop sensation X. ARI, who is combining an upbeat, driving sound and honest lyrics to create something that is nothing short of amazing. All of these things are perfectly showcased in her newest single "La La La" which sounds like the newest summer hit while also calling attention to mental health and being ok with not being ok. Between the chaos of the new release and a bit of touring, I got the chance to talk with X. ARI about the single, alter ego’s, and much more.
Photo by: Andrew Marks
GMAT: "La La La" was just released and it is truly a summer bop. What was the process of writing and recording the single?
X. ARI: I wrote "La La La" in 2016 and never put it out, but would always think of the song so I decided to reproduce it. The process was really fun and loose. I wrote the verse melody and part of the lyrics while hiking Runyon one day and then I brought the idea into a writing session. The song just flourished on its own from there.
Take a listen to "La La La" here:
GMAT: A lot of your songs talk about mental health and often give hope to the listener, which I think is very inspiring. Was it hard writing about such hard topics and knowing thousands of people would hear?
X. ARI: Thank you! It was hard to open up publicly on social media at first, but it was never hard for me to write about these topics. I want people to hear my songs and to feel hopeful and find healing on their journey.
GMAT: You have a fan loved alter ego Ira X, how did that come about? Is it fun to play a character of sorts?
X. ARI: IRA X. emerged as a playful character to emphasis the dark side and the yang to my yin for my duality concept EP Uni-Fi. He was inspired kind of from Eminem's Slim Shady, but also derived from a part of me that always felt part male. I'm a demi female and feel like I embody male and female characteristics. In addition, during my experiences with psychosis I lost my identity and felt split in three - a woman, a man, and an artist. It felt right to bring my masculine side to life through IRA X. It is totally fun to get into costume and play another person with his own personality.
GMAT: A huge message that you push is to not give a fuck about what others think of you, has this motto inspired the way you write?
X. ARI: Totally! I write from an honest and open place and don't care about the reaction to it. Art needs to be authentic and I think it's important to free yourself from judgements so you can create your best most open work.
GMAT: Your music is very upbeat and electronic but sometimes the lyrics are a little abysmal, is there any semblance in that contrast?
X. ARI: Yes, there's most definitely a deliberate contrast between the music, lyrics, melody, and vocal delivery. I especially wanted to create dichotomy for my duality concept record.
GMAT: You’ve performed in a multitude of venues and countries, but I was wondering what your favourite concert experience was and where was it?
X. ARI: I honestly can't pick my favourite show. There have been so many I've loved! My most recent show was performing with a DJ in China and that was a really awesome experience for me. I'm also looking forward to my EP release party on June 27th with NAMI!
GMAT: I know we’re still early in the year, but what is your ultimate goal to reach by the end of the year?
X. ARI: I'd say to land a solid booking agent, to play more great shows, to place my music in tv and film, to have tons of releases writing for other artists, to spread light and reach as many people as possible with mental health awareness, and to finish my fourth EP.
GMAT: If you could describe your music as an ice cream flavor, which would it be?
X. ARI: Ooooo this is so hard!! What tastes moody? lol. I guess mint chocolate chip with marshmallows and chocolate sauce on top.
GMAT: Lastly, if you could say anything to your fans and the readers of Give Me A Try, what would it be?
X. ARI: Take time for you! Make your self care and mental health a priority. Do things that make you happy. Be around people who lift your spirit. Challenge yourself and try new things. Be yourself without any excuses and always be kind.
With great passion, great humor, and a love for the art she is creating, it’s hard not to predict that X. ARI is going to be a big name in the future. Until then, make sure to stream "La La La" and keep a close eye on X. ARI, as there are big things on the horizon for this new pop sensation.